Monday, January 11, 2010

Le Roi 150 Air Compressor Troubleshooting

Frankfurt and Dusseldorf falling sleeves to close attention to the possible violation of the privacy of passengers. On their bodies they had while lyrics like "What to hide?", "Piercing", "nappy" or "bomb inside?" Written.

[... next to Heise Online]

... to the Heise article, there have been 302 comments. Here # 303: 11th wide January 2010 21:19 majority of Germans for the new scanner? hardly ...

MON810 (14 messages since 13:05:09) I hear in the media again the use of "nice descriptions" such as "body scanner", "whole-body scanner" and "the new scanner. The use of the word 'body scanner is avoided like the plague, although only this term is also a technically inexperienced citizens should give an idea of the technology and the incision in his personal rights. + / - There can also be explained as saying that Bitkom there in his survey to the common denominator "security instead of prudishness" is. Imagine

the interview before:

Interviewer: "Are you for the use of body scanners

prevent terrorist attacks?"
Jane Smith. OO (The scan but always with so little
handsets) "Yes."

as it should be:
Interviewer: "Are you for ? The use of body scanners at airports


Jane Smith. OO (IIIGH)" No! "

LG Monsanto810


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