Saturday, January 9, 2010

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to question identity:

via Web Radio , quoted from "identity construction - The patchwork of identities in late modernity" Editor: Heiner Keupp including encyclopedias by Rowohlt Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, 2008

How can the subjects in the increasing Entsynchronisierung the areas of life, for themselves or a subjectively coherent internal organization to donate?

"I give my soul now this, now that the face, depending on which side I turn it. When I speak differently from me, because I see myself as different. All contradictions are found in the me in any circumstances Form. ... Of everything I see something in me, whichever way I turn, and he always, carefully check discovered within himself the same variability and inconsistency, even in his judgments about it. It is not true, unequivocal and valid, I say about me, even without any ifs and buts could express in one word. ... We all consist only of motley scraps that cohere so relaxed and loose, that each of them flapping at any moment, as he will, so there are as many differences between us and ourselves and between us and the other "(Montaigne)

The result is (that) the "homo clausus" of that subject, which has been behind "high walls" entrenched in his "subject case" (Müller-Doohm). It "domesticated" or "domestic encapsulated subject" (Flusser) has become. It is determined by the feeling of being locked into itself. " From the self-conscious bourgeois subject who designed the world to own ideas and defines itself as the sovereign of this world, in such models, sounds nothing more. ... "The individual settles his life, like his house, and often set up in the house symbolizes the creation of life." (Berger)

In his dialogue the Symposium (The Banquet) can Plato, Socrates, in the following way to say: "... also every living thing, as long as it lives, and regarded as the same means: for example, a person is from childhood until his retirement as the same. But though he leads the same name, it is still not in itself, but like a hand, he always renewed, on the other hand, he loses another: to hair, flesh, bones, blood and all his physical organism. And this applies not only from the body, but also of the soul: character traits, habits, opinions, desires, joys and sorrows, fears are all that remains in each individual never the same, but one result goes the other. "

"Who am I" can be answered with reference to specific content, what people call for topics, features, characteristics, feelings and actions about which they are recognizable in their distinctive character? Or you can answer the question on the manufacturing performance: What mental health full trains or strategies, topics, emotions and actions thus brought into a form saying that subjects can: "I am right now" and "That's me on various life away" .
break experience in late modern societies: 1 Subjects feel entbettet. 2. The pattern by which people intended to create biographical and realize their lives, their shaping power lost. The virtue of clever arrangements with the specified standards will lose in a "multi-optional society," value of normality. 3. Labor is the basis of identity brittle 4th "Muliphrene situation" is the normal experience: the growing complexity of living conditions leads to a wealth of experience and experience in this experience are like pieces of a broken splitter concave mirror. We usually have no chance as they stand allow unconnected. These are called high psychological division skills to not go mad. The result is a "multiphrenous Situation "as a normal phenomenon. We are increasingly part of a growing network of relationships of direct interpersonal, but also electronic and those from "second hand". Come stormed a tremendously fast growing variety of needs, options, opportunities, obligations and values. And we have to live with that much is highly contradictory of that. This new awareness may be an important precursor for a higher, more refined way of living as a human relationship. We recognize the futility of "autonomy" and the limits of logical consistency, and gradually we learn to appreciate cultural diversity in the be part of meaning systems that connect us to each other. (Gergen) 5 "Virtual Worlds" 6 as new realities Sense of time experienced the presence of contraction: In a dynamic civilization takes the asymmetry of the contemporaneity. (Luebbe) 7 Pluralization of life styles and environments lead to an almost infinite variety of alternatives. "The explosive pluralism" / "quantum leap" "The Moderen mean for the life of the people a huge step away from the destiny towards freedom of choice ... On the whole, is ... that the individual under the conditions of modern pluralism can not only select, but that it must choose. Since there are fewer and fewer Serlbstverständlichkeiten, individuals may no longer be established to make use of thought and behavior patterns, but must willy-nilly decide for one or the other way. ... His life is just a project - more specifically, to a series of projects - like his philosophy and his identity. (Berger) 8 Dramatic changes in gender roles 9th Customization changes the relationship of individual to Communities 10 Individualized forms of search for meaning: Powerful new candidates "meta-narratives" suggest to the subject, to relieve him of the individualized search for meaning. (Keupp)


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